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Accounting Careers and Education


Committee Members

To view a member's contact information, click on the member's name (for NYSSCPA members only)

Frank P. Manzi
Stevens Institute of TechnologyManhattan/Bronx
Greg D. Adams American Management AssociationWestchester
Anya Aleksandrova
Deloitte & Touche LLPManhattan/Bronx
Seema Bejai
James B. Biagi Stevens Institute of TechnologyOut-of-State
Taylor Bickley
Wiss & Company LLPManhattan/Bronx
Shelly Blaufeux
S. Blaufeux, CPA LLCWestchester
Benjamin Bullock
Student (no firm) Buffalo
Jacqueline A. Burke Hofstra University Nassau
Rumbi N. Bwerinofa-Petrozzello SeramountQueens/Brooklyn
1 2 3 4 5

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About the Accounting Careers and Education Committee

Committtee Action Plan


Who We Are

A committee that promotes encouraging students to pursue an accounting degree and become CPAs and provides academia with a framework to support students in developing tools to be successful accounting and business professionals in the future.


What We Do

·         Identify and recommend improvements to relevant academic curriculum to prepare CPA candidate students for entry into the profession.

·         Research and make recommendations regarding pertinent academic issues that affect the profession.

·         Serve in an advisory capacity to keep the Society abreast of licensure requirements with  New York State.

·         Serve as liaisons between the society, academia, and members of the profession.

·         Be the source of information and research regarding accounting education and the accounting profession.

·         Establish liaison with both high school and college educators and enhance their knowledge and awareness of the profession to assist in the recruiting of students for accounting programs.

·         Encourage college accounting students to sit for the CPA exam and promote scholarships through coaching methods, developing techniques to successful testing, and working with the society’s CPA exam preparation affinity partners.

·         Collaborate with the statewide and chapter NextGen Committees, the MSF Board of Trustees and Society staff to:

o   Develop programs and events to disseminate information about the profession to guidance counselors, high school students and their parents.

o   Recruit and encourage more high school students to college-level studies in the accounting field.

o   Engage with high school guidance counselors to raise the profile of the profession as a career choice.

o   Inspire college accounting students to enter the profession through various methods such as engaging member firms in visitations, facilitating internships, sponsoring of recognized campus activities and other initiatives.

o   Coordinate efforts with the Moynihan Fund’s Career Opportunities in the Accounting Profession (COAP) program.


Who Should Join

NYSSCPA Members, including educators, accounting firm recruiters, practitioners, regulators, CPA candidates and students with an interest in evaluating the standards for entrance into the profession; assisting in preparing educators with guidance to inspire students entering the profession; promoting a relevant, challenging and captivating accounting curriculum; and researching curricular concerns for the Society’s consideration.