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Estate Planning


Committee Members

To view a member's contact information, click on the member's name (for NYSSCPA members only)

Shao Ping Chau
IClarity Advisors LLCManhattan/Bronx
James P. Lynch
Vice Chair
CliftonLarsonAllen LLPOut-of-State
Marc A. Aaronson First Manhattan CompanyWestchester
Melissa A. Abbott Citrin Cooperman LLPManhattan/Bronx
Joel E. Ackerman CliftonLarsonAllen LLPSuffolk
Robert S. Barnett Capell Barnett Matalon & SchoenfeldNassau
David M. Barral Northern TrustManhattan/Bronx
Jane E. Bernardini Retired (no firm)Manhattan/Bronx
Tanya Bramble, CPA
Clarfeld Citizens Private WealthMid-Hudson
Leonore A. Briloff Leonore A. Briloff, CPAManhattan/Bronx
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 ...

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About the Estate Planning Committee

Community Action Plan

Who We Are:

Our mission is to continue to educate ourselves, or clients and the general public about the transfer tax laws and latest planning techniques and strategies available today.

What We Do:

Estate Planning provides a discussion forum and dissemination of information to members with respect to specific sections of Internal Revenue Code and related state laws dealing with the transfer tax laws and the planning techniques and strategies available today.

Who Should Join:

The Estate Planning Community consists of CPAs who may also be attornyes, CLU's, ChFC's or PFS's, who practice at the forefront of estate planning in the U.S. today.